We have seen in seeded GL reports that take the accounting flex field as parameters, the DFF form opens on the SRS form when we click on the flex field parameter. The user enters the flex field into the form. The flex field is then transferred into the report and the output is generated. This is a very handy way of allowing the user to enter the Accounting KFF.
To create a custom accounting flex field parameter, Below are the steps
Step 1: Create a RDF(XXAA_ACCT_FLEXFIELD_REP.rdf) with two(P_ACCT_LO, P_ACCT_HI) parameters, below is the query.
AND gcc.segment1 BETWEEN NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_LO, 1, 2), '00') AND NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_HI, 1, 2), '99')
AND gcc.segment2 BETWEEN NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_LO, 4, 3), '000') AND NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_HI, 4, 3), '999')
AND gcc.segment3 BETWEEN NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_LO, 8, 4), '0000') AND NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_HI, 8, 4), '9999')
AND gcc.segment4 BETWEEN NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_LO, 13, 4), '0000') AND NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_HI, 13, 4), '9999')
AND gcc.segment5 BETWEEN NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_LO, 18), '000') AND NVL (SUBSTR (:P_ACCT_HI, 18), '999')
ORDER BY 3,4,5,6,7
Compile the RDF and save
Step 2: Create a value set(XXAA_GL_SRS_LEDGER_FLEXFIELD) with validation type as Pair
Navigation : System Administrator à Application à Validation à Set
Enter the value set name and select the validation type as Pair and click on the edit information
Pair :
Use the Validation Rules window to define special validation for a Special value set. You also use this window to define validation routines for a Pair value set.
You can use this region to define a value set that lets your users enter an entire key flexfield combination within a single report parameter. For example, you may want to pass concatenated Accounting Flexfield segments as a parameter to a report. With this type of value set, a user can enter the report parameter and then see the "normal" behavior of a key flexfield, such as the key flexfield window and segment validation associated with that key flexfield. You use Oracle Application Object Library flexfield routines for these special value sets
Enter the below code and save
-->Event : EDIT
--> Event : VALIDATE
Step 3 : Create a Concurrent Program(XXAA Account Flex Field Report)
Note : Port the RDF(XXAA_ACCT_FLEXFIELD_REP.rdf) file into unix server
Log in to Oracle Apps with System Administrator responsibility.
Navigation: Concurrent à Program à Executable
Executable : Enter the executable name, short name and RDF name.
Concurrent Program : Enter the program name, short name and select the executable name and select the output type format as XML
Save the form and click on Parameters button.
Step 4 : Create below parameters
1) Parameter : From Account
Select the value set as we created in step 2(XXAA_GL_SRS_LEDGER_FLEXFIELD)
Enter the token value : P_ACCT_LO
2) Parameter : To Account
Select the value set as we created in step 2(XXAA_GL_SRS_LEDGER_FLEXFIELD)
Enter the token value : P_ACCT_HI
Save it
Step 5: Assign the concurrent program to the request set
Save and close the form.
Step 6 : Create data definition, data temple and upload the rtf file
Date Definition :
Data Template :
Step 7 : Run the concurrent program from any Payables responsibility
Select the from account and to account values and submit the program
Check the report output

There is a requirement that dynamically enabling and disabling Concurrent Program Parameters.
Let a concurrent program has two parameters – Display and Application Name. If the value for Display is ‘YES’, then Users should be enabled containing names of Applications in a system and if the value for Display is ‘NO’, then Application Name parameter gets disable.
Initially Application Name parameter is disable.
· If user has selected YES from Display parameter then Application Name value set enabled containing application names.
· If user has selected NO from display then Application Name disabled containing application names.
To create value set:
Navigation: Application developer à Application à Validation à Set
Create an Independent type value set
Create YES and NO values for above XXAA_DISPLAY_PARAMETER valueset
Navigation: Application developer à Application à Validation à Values
Then create one Dummy Set of none type for enable and disable other parameter
XXAA_NONE_DIPLAY_PARAM value set to enable User Value set
To create Concurrent Executable:
Navigation: Application developer à Concurrent à Executable
To create Concurrent Program:
Navigation: Application developer à Concurrent à Program
Create concurrent program:
Method: PL/SQL Stored Procedure
Click on Parameters.
As first parameter attach XXAA_DISPLAY_PARAMETER value set which provide the options YES or NO.
Here we are using Display Parameter Parameter to enable and disable other parameter of concurrent program.
Create a parameter of any name and assign a value set XXAA_NONE_DIPLAY_PARAM of NONE type to it.
Select default type as SQL Statement and in Default type write query as:
Select case when :$FLEX$.XXAA_DISPLAY_PARAMETER ='YES' then 'Y' else null end from dual
When YES means application is selected by display value set then XXAA_NONE_DIPLAY_PARAM value set returns ‘Y’ otherwise NULL.
All the table type value set which satisfies the where condition ‘Y’=:$FLEX$.validation are enable when this query runs and others will remain disable.
Now create value set which should be enable on particular condition:
Navigation: Application developer à Application à Validation à Set
Create Value set XXAA_APPLICATION_NAME of table type:
Write ‘Y’=:$FLEX$.XXAA_NONE_DIPLAY_PARAM in where condition so that when validation return Y this value set get enable otherwise remains disable.
Assign XXAA_APPLICATION_NAME value set to the parameters of concurrent Program and save it.
Attach the concurrent program to Request Group of the responsibility.
System Administrator à Security à Responsibility à Request
Uncheck the Display check box so that it is hidden from user.
Run the concurrent program by
View à Requests à Submit a new Request à Single Request.
Output :
Here user selects NO from Display value set then Application Name disabled.
Here user selects YES from options value set then application value set get enabled.
v_enabled_flag VARCHAR2 (2) := 'Y';
v_summary_flag VARCHAR2 (2) := 'Y';
v_start_date_active DATE := SYSDATE;
v_error_msg VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
v_who_type fnd_flex_loader_apis.who_type ;
v_request_id NUMBER;
v_rec_success NUMBER;
v_rec_error NUMBER;
v_rec_cnt NUMBER := 0;
v_user_id NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
v_login_id NUMBER := fnd_global.login_id;
v_req_id NUMBER := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
v_value_set_name VARCHAR2 (50) := 'Your Value set';
v_value_set_value VARCHAR2 (50) := 'your value';
v_who_type.created_by := v_user_id;
v_who_type.creation_date := SYSDATE;
v_who_type.last_updated_by := v_user_id;
v_who_type.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
v_who_type.last_update_login := v_login_id;
(x_flex_value_set_name => v_value_set_name,
x_parent_flex_value_low => NULL,
x_flex_value => v_value_set_value,
x_who => v_who_type,
x_enabled_flag => v_enabled_flag,
x_summary_flag => v_summary_flag,
x_start_date_active => v_start_date_active,
x_end_date_active => NULL,
x_parent_flex_value_high => NULL,
x_structured_hierarchy_level => NULL,
x_hierarchy_level => NULL,
x_compiled_value_attributes => NULL,
x_value_category => NULL,
x_attribute1 => NULL,
x_attribute2 => NULL,
x_attribute3 => NULL,
x_attribute4 => NULL,
x_attribute5 => NULL,
x_attribute6 => NULL,
x_attribute7 => NULL,
x_attribute8 => NULL,
x_attribute9 => NULL,
x_attribute10 => NULL,
x_attribute11 => NULL,
x_attribute12 => NULL,
x_attribute13 => NULL,
x_attribute14 => NULL,
x_attribute15 => NULL,
x_attribute16 => NULL,
x_attribute17 => NULL,
x_attribute18 => NULL,
x_attribute19 => NULL,
x_attribute20 => NULL,
x_attribute21 => NULL,
x_attribute22 => NULL,
x_attribute23 => NULL,
x_attribute24 => NULL,
x_attribute25 => NULL,
x_attribute26 => NULL,
x_attribute27 => NULL,
x_attribute28 => NULL,
x_attribute29 => NULL,
x_attribute30 => NULL,
x_attribute31 => NULL,
x_attribute32 => NULL,
x_attribute33 => NULL,
x_attribute34 => NULL,
x_attribute35 => NULL,
x_attribute36 => NULL,
x_attribute37 => NULL,
x_attribute38 => NULL,
x_attribute39 => NULL,
x_attribute40 => NULL,
x_attribute41 => NULL,
x_attribute42 => NULL,
x_attribute43 => NULL,
x_attribute44 => NULL,
x_attribute45 => NULL,
x_attribute46 => NULL,
x_attribute47 => NULL,
x_attribute48 => NULL,
x_attribute49 => NULL,
x_attribute50 => NULL,
x_attribute_sort_order => NULL,
x_flex_value_meaning => v_value_set_value,
x_description => v_value_set_value
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error is ' || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 1000));