Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to use FNDLAOD

 It is merely time consuming task to create same setup data on each instance separately. Hence to migrate setup data from 1 instance to other (Eg. From DEV to PROD), ldt & lct files are used.

LDT (Data Loader Files)- This files are Used to upload & download setup data on different instances.

LCT (Data Config Files)- This files are used to create LDT Files. There are difference lct files for different sets of data.

 Request Set- afcpreqg.lct, Concurrent Program- afcpprog.lct, Value Set- afffload.lct..etc..

** Now lets take a simple example where you want to migrate 1 concurrent program from Development (DEV) instance to Production (PROD).

Step 1: Login to Unix Development server and change the directory using following Command where you can store your LDT files:
cd $CUST_TOP/ patch/115/import/US/ (where CUST_TOP is your custom top on server)

Step 2: Run the following command by supplying the parameters given in {} as per your need
FNDLOAD {userid/password@connect_string} O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct {file_name.ldt} PROGRAM APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME="{your_application_short_name}" CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME="{your_concurrent_name}"
The above command will generate ldt file in your custom top directory ($CUST_TOP/ patch/115/import/US/ )

Step 3: Copy the LDT file from Development Server to your local desktop

Step 4: Login to Unix Production Server and copy the LDT files from local desktop to Production Server on following path:
$CUST_TOP/ patch/115/import/US/ {file_name.ldt}

Step 5: Finally Run the following command by supplying all parameters in {} to upload concurrent program definition on production application server.
$ FNDLOAD {userid/password@connect_string} 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct $CUST_TOP/patch/115/import/US/{file_name}.ldt

1) All above FNDLOAD commands are single line commands.
2) All above steps will remain exactly same for all kind of setup data (Eg: Value Set, CP,, DFF…etc) except the name of LCT file (.lct). LCT file will be different for every different component because the setup data is different.

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