Friday, April 29, 2016

Tehnical Flow of OM

Understanding data flow for “Standard Order”

1. Order Entry
This is first stage when Order in enter in system.When the order is entered it basically create a record in order headers and Order Lines table.
•oe_order_headers_all (Here the flow_status_code as entered)
•oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code as entered) ( order number is generated)

2.Order Booking
This is next stage , when Order which is entered in step 1 is booked and Flow status changed from Entered to Booked.At this stage , these table get affected.
•oe_order_headers_all (flow_status_code as booked ,booked_flag updated)
•oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code as awaiting shipping, booked_flag updated)
•wsh_new_deliveries (status_code OP open)
•wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘R’ ready to release)
Same time, Demand interface program runs in background And insert into inventory tables mtl_demand

3. Reservation
This step is required for doing reservations SCHEDULE ORDER PROGRAM runs in the background and quantities are reserved.Once this program get successfully get completed , the mtl_reservations table get updated.

4. Pick Release
Ideally pick release is the process which is defined in which the items on the sales order are taken out from inventory.
Normally pick release SRS program runs in background . Once the program get completed these are the table get affected:
•oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘PICKED’ )
•wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘S’ ‘submitted for release’ )
(move order tables.Here request is generated to move item from saleble to staging sub inventory)
•Mtl_material_transactions_temp (link to above tables through move_order_header_id/line_id

5.Pick Confirm
Items are transferred from saleble to staging Subinventory.
•wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘Y’‘Released’ )

6.Ship Confirm
Here ship confirm interface program runs in background . Data removed from wsh_new_deliveries
•oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘shipped’)
•wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘C’ ‘Shipped’)
•mtl_material_transactions(linked through Transaction source header id)
•Data deleted from mtl_demand,mtl_reservations
•Item deducted from mtl_onhand_quantities

7.Enter Invoice
This is also called Receivables interface, that mean information moved to accounting area for invoicing details.
•Invoicing workflow activity transfers shipped item information to Oracle Receivables.
•ra_interface_lines_all (interface table into which the data is transferred from order management)T
•Then Autoinvoice program imports data from this
•Table which get affected into this stage are recievables base table.
ra_customer_trx_all (cust_trx_id is primary key to link it to trx_lines table and trx_number is the invoice number)
ra_customer_trx_lines_all (line_attribute_1 and line_attribute_6 are linked to header_id (or order number) and line_id of the orders)

8.Complete Line
In this stage order line leval table get updated with Flow status and open flag.
•oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘shipped’, open_flag “N”)
9.Close Order
This is last step of Order Processing . In this stage only oe_order_lines_all table get updated.
These are the table get affected in this step.
•oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘closed’,open_flag “N”)
These are the typically data flow of a order to cash model for a standard order.

Oracle R12 Banks Accounts Query

Oracle R12 Bank Accounts Query

SELECT owners.account_owner_party_id, asp.segment1 vendor_num,
FROM hr_all_organization_units
WHERE TYPE = 'OU' AND organization_id = asa.org_id) ou_name,
asa.vendor_site_code, ieb.country_code
--, (select bank_name from ce_banks_v cbv where bank_party_id =ieb.bank_id) bank_name
--, (select bank_number from ce_banks_v cbv where bank_party_id =ieb.bank_id) bank_number
--, ieb.branch_id
, cbbv.bank_name, cbbv.bank_number, cbbv.bank_branch_name,
cbbv.branch_number, cbbv.bank_branch_type, cbbv.eft_swift_code,
ieb.bank_account_num, ieb.currency_code, ieb.iban,
ieb.bank_account_name_alt bankacct_fromdata
FROM iby_pmt_instr_uses_all instrument,
iby_account_owners owners,
iby_external_payees_all payees,
iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb,
ap_supplier_sites_all asa,
ap_suppliers asp,
ce_bank_branches_v cbbv
WHERE owners.primary_flag = 'Y'
AND owners.ext_bank_account_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND owners.ext_bank_account_id = instrument.instrument_id
AND payees.ext_payee_id = instrument.ext_pmt_party_id
AND payees.payee_party_id = owners.account_owner_party_id
AND payees.supplier_site_id = asa.vendor_site_id
AND asa.vendor_id = asp.vendor_id
AND cbbv.branch_party_id(+) = ieb.branch_id
--and asa.org_id in (125)
AND asp.created_by = 1451
ORDER BY 4, 1, 3

Delete Duplicate Records in Oracle

Delete Duplicate Records in Oracle

There are times when duplicate rows somehow creep into a table. The best scenario to happen this is when the data is to be imported from some other table or data and the Constraints are removed so that data import successfully. Removing duplicate rows from Oracle tables with SQL can be very tricky, and there are several techniques for identifying and removing duplicate rows from tables:

CREATE TABLE dup_test (
Emp_Id VARCHAR2(5),
Name VARCHAR2(15),
Phone NUMBER);

INSERT INTO dup_test values('100','John',473256);
INSERT INTO dup_test values('100','John',473256);
INSERT INTO dup_test values('101','Dave',561982);

SELECT * FROM dup_test;
Use subquery to delete duplicate rows:

Here we see an example of using SQL to delete duplicate table rows using an SQL subquery to identify duplicate rows, manually specifying the join columns:

dup_test A
a.rowid >
dup_test B
A.Emp_Id = B.Emp_Id
A.Name = B.Name
A.Phone = B.Phone
Use analytics to delete duplicate rows:

You can also detect and delete duplicate rows using Oracle analytic functions:

DELETE FROM dup_test
WHERE rnk>1);
Use another table to delete duplicate rows:

This is the simplest method to remove duplicity.

CREATE TABLE dup_test_1 as select distinct * from dup_test;
DROP TABLE dup_test;
RENAME dup_test_1 to dup_test;
Use RANK to delete duplicate rows:

This is an example of the RANK function to identify and remove duplicate rows from Oracle tables, which deletes all duplicate rows while leaving the initial instance of the duplicate row:

DELETE FROM dup_test where rowid in
select "rowid" from
(select "rowid", rank_n from
(select rank() over (partition by Emp_Id order by rowid) rank_n, rowid as "rowid"
from dup_test
where rank_n > 1
The above methods are only standard methods. You can also use your own techniques to remove duplicate records.

R12 Banks Queries

R12 Banks Queries

SELECT aps.vendor_name "VERDOR NAME",
apss.vendor_site_code "VENDOR SITE CODE",
ieb.bank_name "BANK NAME",
iebb.bank_branch_name "BANK BRANCH NAME",
iebb.branch_number "BRANCH NUMBER",
FROM ap.ap_suppliers aps,
ap.ap_supplier_sites_all apss,
apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts ieba,
apps.iby_account_owners iao,
apps.iby_ext_banks_v ieb,
apps.iby_ext_bank_branches_v iebb
WHERE aps.vendor_id = apss.vendor_id
and iao.account_owner_party_id = aps.party_id
and ieba.ext_bank_account_id = iao.ext_bank_account_id
and ieb.bank_party_id = iebb.bank_party_id
and ieba.branch_id = iebb.branch_party_id
and ieba.bank_id = ieb.bank_party_id;

SELECT party_supp.party_name supplier_name
, aps.segment1 supplier_number
, ass.vendor_site_code supplier_site
, ieb.bank_account_num
, ieb.bank_account_name
, party_bank.party_name bank_name
, branch_prof.bank_or_branch_number bank_number
, party_branch.party_name branch_name
, branch_prof.bank_or_branch_number branch_number
FROM hz_parties party_supp
, ap_suppliers aps
, hz_party_sites site_supp
, ap_supplier_sites_all ass
, iby_external_payees_all iep
, iby_pmt_instr_uses_all ipi
, iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb
, hz_parties party_bank
, hz_parties party_branch
, hz_organization_profiles bank_prof
, hz_organization_profiles branch_prof
WHERE party_supp.party_id = aps.party_id
AND party_supp.party_id = site_supp.party_id
AND site_supp.party_site_id = ass.party_site_id
AND ass.vendor_id = aps.vendor_id
AND iep.payee_party_id = party_supp.party_id
AND iep.party_site_id = site_supp.party_site_id
AND iep.supplier_site_id = ass.vendor_site_id
AND iep.ext_payee_id = ipi.ext_pmt_party_id
AND ipi.instrument_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND ieb.bank_id = party_bank.party_id
AND ieb.bank_id = party_branch.party_id
AND party_branch.party_id = branch_prof.party_id
AND party_bank.party_id = bank_prof.party_id
ORDER BY party_supp.party_name
, ass.vendor_site_code;

R12 Suppliers Query

SELECT DISTINCT asp.vendor_id ,
asp.segment1 "Supplier Num" ,
ASp.vendor_name "Supplier Name" ,
ass.vendor_site_code "SITE NAME" ,
hou.NAME "Operating Unit Name" ,
ass.address_line1 , ,
ass.state , , , ,
person.person_first_name ,
person.person_last_name ,
pty_rel.primary_phone_number ,
FROM ap_suppliers asp ,
ap_supplier_sites_all ass ,
ap_supplier_contacts apsc , 
hz_parties person ,
hz_parties pty_rel,
hr_operating_units hou 
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ass.vendor_id = asp.vendor_id
AND apsc.per_party_id = person.party_id
AND apsc.rel_party_id = pty_rel.party_id
AND ass.org_id = hou.organization_id

Useful Oracle Queries

1) Display the name of employees along with their annual salary (sal*12) the name of the employee earning highest annual salary should appear first?
Select ename, sal, sal*12 "Annual Salary" from EMP order by "Annual Salary" desc;
2) Display name, salary, Hra, pf, da, TotalSalary for each employee. The out put should be in the order of total salary, hra 15% of salary, DA 10% of salary .pf 5% salary Total Salary will be (salary+hra+da)-pf?
Select ename, sal SA, sal*0.15 HRA, sal*0.10 DA, sal*5/100 PF, sal+ (sal*0.15) + (sal*0.10) -(sal*.05) TOTALSALARY from emp ORDER BY TOTALSALARY DESC;
3) Display Department numbers and total number of employees working in each Department?
Select deptno, count (*) from emp group by deptno;
4) Display the various jobs and total number of employees working in each job group?
Select job, count (*) from emp group by job;
5) Display department numbers and Total Salary for each Department?
Select deptno, sum (sal) from emp group by deptno;
6) Display department numbers and Maximum Salary from each Department?
Select deptno, max (Sal) from emp group by deptno;
7) Display various jobs and Total Salary for each job?
Select job, sum (sal) from emp group by job;
8)Display each job along with min of salary being paid in each job group?
Select job, min (sal) from emp group by job;
9) Display the department Number with more than three employees in each department?
Select deptno, count (*) from emp group by deptno having count (*)>3;
10) Display various jobs along with total salary for each of the job where total salary is greater than 40000?
Select job, sum (sal) from emp group by job having sum (Sal)>40000;
11) Display the various jobs along with total number of employees in each job. The output should contain only those jobs with more than three employees?
Select job, count (*) from emp group by job having count (*)>3;
12) Display the name of employees who earn Highest Salary?
select ename, sal from emp where sal>=(select max(sal) from emp );
13) Display the employee Number and name for employee working as clerk and earning highest salary among the clerks?
select ename,empno from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp where job='CLERK') and job='CLERK' ;
14) Display the names of salesman who earns a salary more than the Highest Salary of the Clerk?
select ename,sal from emp where sal>(select max(sal) from emp where job='CLERK') AND job='SALESMAN';
15) Display the names of clerks who earn a salary more than the lowest Salary of any Salesman?
select ename,sal from emp where sal>(select min(sal) from emp where job='SALESMAN') and job='CLERK';
16) Display the names of employees who earn a salary more than that of jones or that of salary greater than that of scott?
select ename,sal from emp where sal>all(select sal from emp where ename='JONES' OR ename='SCOTT');
17) Display the names of employees who earn Highest salary in their respective departments?
select ename,sal,deptno from emp where sal in (select max(sal) from emp group by deptno); 
18) Display the names of employees who earn Highest salaries in their respective job Groups?
select ename,job from emp where sal in (select max(sal) from emp group by job);
19)Display employee names who are working in Accounting department?
select e.ename,d.dname from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname = 'ACCOUNTING';
20) Display the employee names who are Working in Chicago?
select e.ename,d.loc from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.loc='CHICAGO';
21) Display the job groups having Total Salary greater than the maximum salary for Managers?
select job ,sum(sal) from emp group by job having sum(sal) >(select max(sal) from emp where job='MANAGER');
22) Display the names of employees from department number 10 with salary greater than that of ANY employee working in other departments?
select ename,deptno from emp where sal>any(select min(sal) from emp where deptno!=10 group by deptno) and deptno=10 ;
23) Display the names of employees from department number 10 with salary greater than that of ALL employee working in other departments?
select ename,deptno from emp where sal>all(select max(sal) from emp where deptno!=10 group by deptno) and deptno=10 ;
24) Display the names of Employees in Upper Case?
select upper(ename) from emp;
25) Display the names of employees in Lower Case?
select Lower(ename) from emp;
26) Display the names of employees in Proper case?
select InitCap(ename)from emp;
27) Find the length of your name using Appropriate Function?
select lentgh('RAMA') from dual;
28) Display the length of all the employee names?
select length(ename) from emp;
29) Display the name of employee Concatinate with Employee Number?
select ename' 'empno from emp;
30) Use appropriate function and extract 3 characters starting from 2 characters from the following string 'Oracle' i.e., the out put should be ac?
select substr('Oracle',3,2) from dual;
31) Find the first occurance of character a from the following string Computer Maintenance Corporation?
select lstr('Computer Maintenance Corporation','a' ) from dual;
32) Replace every occurance of alphabet A with B in the string .Alliens (Use Translate function)
select translate('Alliens','A','B') from Dual;
33) Display the information from the employee table . where ever job Manager is found it should be displayed as Boss?
select ename ,replace(job,'MANAGER','BOSS') from emp;
34) Display empno,ename,deptno from emp table. Instead of display department numbers display the related department name(Use decode function)?
select empno,ename,deptno,Decode(deptno,10,'ACCOUNTING',20, 'RESEARCH' ,30 , 'SALES','OPERATIONS')DName from emp;
35) Display your Age in Days?
select sysdate-to_date('30-jul-1977') from dual;
36) Display your Age in Months?
select months_between(sysdate,to_date('30-jul-1977')) from dual;
37) Display current date as 15th August Friday Nineteen Nienty Seven?
select To_char(sysdate,'ddth Month Day year') from dual;
39) Scott has joined the company on 13th August ninteen ninety?
select empno,ename,to_char(Hiredate,'Day ddth Month year') from emp;
40) Find the nearest Saturday after Current date?
select next_day(sysdate,'Saturday') from dual;
41) Display the current time?
select To_Char(sysdate,'HH:MI:SS') from dual;
42) Display the date three months before the Current date?
select Add_months(sysdate,-3) from dual
43) Display the common jobs from department number 10 and 20?
select job from emp where job in (select job from emp where deptno=20) and deptno=10;
44) Display the jobs found in department 10 and 20 Eliminate duplicate jobs?
select Distinct job from emp where deptno in(10,20);
45) Display the jobs which are unique to department 10?
select job from emp where deptno=10;
46) Display the details of those employees who do not have any person working under him?
select empno,ename,job from emp where empno not in (select mgr from emp where mgr is not null );
47) Display the details of those employees who are in sales department and grade is 3?
select e.ename,d.dname,grade from emp e,dept d ,salgrade where e.deptno=d.deptno and dname='SALES' and grade=3
48) Display thoes who are not managers?
select ename from emp where job!='MANAGER';
49) Display those employees whose name contains not less than 4 characters?
Select ename from emp where length (ename)>=4
50) Display those department whose name start with"S” while location name ends with "K"?
Select e.ename, d.loc from emp e, dept d where d.loc like ('%K') and enamelike ('S%')
51) Display those employees whose manager name is Jones?
Select e.ename Superior, e1.ename Subordinate from emp e, e1 where e.empno = e1.mgr and e.ename='JONES'
52) Display those employees whose salary is more than 3000 after giving 20% increment?
Select ename, sal, (sal+(sal*0.20)) from emp where (sal+(sal*0.20))>3000;
53) Display all employees with their department names?
Select e.ename, d.dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno
54) Display ename who are working in sales department?
Select e.ename, d.dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname='SALES'
55) Display employee name, dept name, salary, and commission for those sal in between 2000 to 5000 while location is Chicago?
Select e.ename, d.dname, e.sal, e.comm from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and sal between 2000 and 5000
56) Display those employees whose salary is greater than his manager’s salary?
Select e.ename, e.sal, e1.ename, e1.sal from emp e, e1 where e.mgr=e1.empno and e.sal>e1.sal
57) Display those employees who are working in the same dept where his manager is work?
Select e.ename, e.deptno, e1.ename, e1.deptno from emp e, e1 where e.mgr=e1.empno and e.deptno=e1.deptno
58) Display those employees who are not working under any Manager?
Select ename from emp where mgr is null;
59) Display the grade and employees name for the deptno 10 or 30 but grade is not 4 while joined the company before 31-DEC-82?
Select ename, grade, deptno, sal from emp, salgrade where (grade, Sal) in (select grade, Sal from salgrade, emp where sal between losal and hisal) and grade! =4 and deptno in (10,30) and hiredate<'31-Dec-82'
60) Update the salary of each employee by 10% increment that are not eligible for commission?
Update emp set sal= (sal+(sal*0.10)) where comm is null
61) Delete those employees who joined the company before 31-Dec-82 while their department Location is New York or Chicago?
Select e.ename, e.hiredate, d.loc from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and hiredate<'31-Dec-82' and d.loc in('NEW YORK','CHICAGO')
62) Display employee name, job, deptname, and loc for all who are working as manager?
Select e.ename, e.job, d.dname, d.loc from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno
and e.empno in (select mgr from emp where mgr is not null)
63) Display those employees whose manager name is Jones and also display their manager name?
Select e.ename sub, e1.ename from emp e, emp e1 where e.mgr=e1.empno and e1.ename='JONES'
64) Display name and salary of ford if his salary is equal to hisal of his grade?
Select ename, grade, hisal, sal from emp, salgrade where ename='FORD' and sal=hisal;
Select grade, sal, hisal from emp, salgrade where ename='FORD' and sal between losal and hisal;
Select ename, sal, hisal, grade from emp, salgrade where ename='FORD' and (grade, Sal) in (select grade, hisal from salgrade,emp where sal between losal and hisal);
65) Display employee name, job, deptname, his manager name, his grade and make an under department wise?
Select e.ename sub, e1.ename sup, e.job, d.dname, grade from emp e1, salgrade, dept d where e.mgr=e1.empno and e.sal between losal and hisal and e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.deptno, e.ename, e1.ename, e.job, d.dname, grade
Select e.ename sub, e1.ename sup, e.job, d.dname, grade from emp e, e1, salgrade, dept d where e.mgr=e1.empno and e.sal between losal and hisal and e.deptno=d.deptno
66) List out all the employee names, job, salary, grade and deptname for every one in a company except ‘CLERK’. Sort on salary display the highest salary?
Select e.ename, e.job, e.sal, d.dname, grade from emp e, salgrade, dept d where (e.deptno=d.deptno and e.sal between losal and hisal) order by e.sal desc
67) Display employee name, job and his manager. Display also employees who are with out managers?
Select e.ename, e1.ename, e.job, e.sal, d.dname from emp e, emp e1, dept d where e.mgr=e1.empno (+) and e.deptno=d.deptno
68) Display Top 5 employee of a Company?

69) Display the names of those employees who are getting the highest salary?
Select ename, sal from emp where sal in (select max (sal) from emp)
70) Display those employees whose salary is equal to average of maximum and minimum? 
Select * from emp where sal=(select (max (sal)+min (sal))/2 from emp)
71) Select count of employees in each department where count >3?
Select count (*) from emp group by deptno having count (*)>3
72) Display dname where atleast three are working and display only deptname?
select d.dname from dept d, emp e where e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.dname having count(*)>3
73) Display name of those managers name whose salary is more than average salary of Company?
Select distinct e1.ename, e1.sal from emp e, e1, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.mgr=e1.empno and e1.sal> (select avg (sal) from emp)

74) Display those managers name whose salary is more than average salary of his employees?
Select distinct e1.ename, e1.sal from emp e, e1, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.mgr=e1.empno and e1.sal>any (select avg (sal) from emp group by deptno)
75) Display employee name, sal, comm and net pay for those employees whose net pay is greater than or equal to any other employee salary of the company?
Select ename, sal, NVL (comm, 0), sal+NVL (comm, 0) from emp where sal+NVL (comm, 0) >any (select e.sal from emp e)
76) Display those employees whose salary is less than his manager but more than salary of other managers?
Select e.ename sub, e.sal from emp e, e1, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.mgr=e1.empno and e.salany (select e2.sal from emp e2, e, dept d1 where e.mgr=e2.empno and d1.deptno=e.deptno)
77) Display all employees’ names with total sal of company with each employee name?

78) Find the last 5(least) employees of company?

79) Find out the number of employees whose salary is greater than their managers salary?
Select e.ename, e.sal, e1.ename, e1.sal from emp e, e1, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and e.mgr=e1.empno and e.sal>e1.sal
80) Display the manager who are not working under president but they are working under any other manager?
Select e2.ename from emp e1, emp e2, emp e3 where e1.mgr=e2.empno and e2.mgr=e3.empno and e3.job! ='PRESIDENT';
81) Delete those department where no employee working?
Delete from emp where empno is null;
82) Delete those records from emp table whose deptno not available in dept table?
Delete from emp e where e.deptno not in (select deptno from dept)
83) Display those enames whose salary is out of grade available in salgrade table?
Select empno, sal from emp where sal<(select min (LOSAL) from salgrade) OR sal>(select max (hisal) from salgrade)
84) Display employee name, sal, comm and whose net pay is greater than any other in the company?
Select ename, sal, comm, sal+comm from emp where sal+comm>any (select sal+comm from emp) 
85) Display name of those employees who are going to retire 31-Dec-99 if maximum job period is 30 years?
Select empno, hiredate, sysdate, to_char (sysdate,'yyyy') - to_char (hiredate,'yyyy') from emp where to_char (sysdate,'yyyy') - to_char (hiredate,'yyyy')=30 
86) Display those employees whose salary is odd value?
Select ename, sal from emp where mod (sal, 2)! =0
87) Display those employees whose salary contains atleast 3 digits?
Select ename, sal from emp where length (sal)=3

88) Display those employees who joined in the company in the month of Dec?
Select empno, ename from emp where trim (to_char (hiredate,'Mon'))=trim ('DEC')
89) Display those employees whose name contains A?
Select ename from emp where ename like ('%A%')
90) Display those employees whose deptno is available in salary?
Select ename, sal from emp where deptno in (select distinct sal from emp);
91) Display those employees whose first 2 characters from hiredate - last 2 characters sal?
Select empno, hiredate, sal from emp where trim (substr (hiredate, 1,2))=trim (substr (sal, -2,2));
Select hiredate, sal from emp where to_Char (hiredate,'dd')=trim (substr (sal, -2,2))
92) Display those employees whose 10% of salary is equal to the year joining?
Select ename, sal, 0.10*sal from emp where 0.10*sal=trim (to_char (hiredate,'yy'))
93) Display those employees who are working in sales or research?
Select e.ename from emp e, dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname in ('SALES','RESEARCH'); 
94) Display the grade of Jones?
Select ename, grade from emp, salgrade where (grade, Sal) =(select grade, Sal from salgrade, emp where sal between losal and hisal and ename='JONES')
95) Display those employees who joined the company before 15th of the month?
select ename ,hiredate from emp where hiredate<'15-Jul-02' and hiredate >='01-jul-02';
96) Display those employees who has joined before 15th of the month?
select ename ,hiredate from emp where hiredate<'15-Jul-02' 
97) Delete those records where no of employees in particular department is less than 3?
delete from emp where deptno in (select deptno from emp group by deptno having count(*) <3
98) Delete those employeewho joined the company 10 years back from today?
delete from emp where empno in (select empno from emp where to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')- to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')>=10)
99) Display the deptname the number of characters of which is equal to no of employee in any other department?

100) Display the deptname where no employee is working?
select deptno from emp where empno is null;
101) Display those employees who are working as manager?
select e2.ename from emp e1,e2 where e1.mgr=e2.empno and e2.empno is not null
102) Count th number of employees who are working as managers (Using set opetrator)?
select d.dname from dept d where length(d.dname) in (select count(*) from emp e where e.deptno!=d.deptno group by e.deptno)
103) Display the name of the dept those employees who joined the company on the same date?
select a.ename,b.ename from emp a,emp b where a.hiredate=b.hiredate and a.empno!=b.empno
104) Display those employees whose grade is equal to any number of sal but not equal to first number of sal?
select ename,sal,grade ,substr(sal,grade,1) from emp,salgrade where grade!= substr (sal,1,1) and grade = substr(sal,grade,1) and sal between losal and hisal
105) Count the no of employees working as manager using set operation?
Select count(empno) from emp where empno in (select a.empno from emp a intersect select b.mgr from emp b)
106) Display the name of employees who joined the company on the same date?
select a.ename,b.ename from emp a,emp b where a.hiredate=b.hiredate and a.empno!=b.empno; 
107) Display the manager who is having maximum number of employees working under him?
select e2.ename,count(*) from emp e1,e2 where e1.mgr=e2.empno group by e2.ename Having count(*)=(select max(count(*)) from emp e1,e2 where e1.mgr=e2.empno group by e2.ename) 
108) List out the employee name and salary increased by 15% and express as whole number of Dollars?
select ename,sal,lpad(translate(sal,sal,((sal +(sal*0.15))/50)),5,'$') from emp 
147) Produce the output of the emptable "EMPLOYEE_AND JOB" for ename and job ?
Ans: select ename"EMPLOYEE_AND",job"JOB" FROM EMP;
148) List of employees with hiredate in the format of 'June 4 1988'?
Ans: select ename,to_char(hiredate,'Month dd yyyy') from emp;
149) print list of employees displaying 'Just salary' if more than 1500 if exactly 1500 display 'on taget' if less than 1500 display below 1500?
Ans: select ename,sal,
case when sal < 1500 then
when sal=1500 then
when sal > 1500 then
from emp
150) Which query to calculate the length of time any employee has been with the company
Ans: select hiredate, to_char (hiredate,' HH:MI:SS') FROM emp
151) Given a string of the format 'nn/nn' . Verify that the first and last 2 characters are numbers. And that the middle character is '/' Print the expressions 'Yes' IF valid ‘NO’ of not valid. Use the following values to test your solution'12/54', 01/1a, '99/98'? 

152) Employes hire on OR Before 15th of any month are paid on the last friday of that month those hired after 15th are paid the last friday of th following month .print a list of employees .their hiredate and first pay date sort those who se salary contains first digit of their deptno?
Ans: select ename,hiredate, LAST_DAY ( next_day(hiredate,'Friday')),
case when to_char(hiredate,'dd') <=('15') then
LAST_DAY ( next_day(hiredate,'Friday'))
when to_char(hiredate,'dd')>('15') then
LAST_DAY( next_day(add_months(hiredate,1),'Friday'))
from emp

153) Display those managers who are getting less than his employees salary?
Ans: select a.empno, a.ename, a.sal, b.sal, b.empno, b.ename from emp a, emp b where a.mgr=b.empno and a.sal>b.sal

154) Print the details of employees who are subordinates to BLAKE?
Ans: select a.empno,a.ename ,b.ename from emp a, emp b where a.mgr=b.empno
and b.ename='BLAKE'

Requisition Interface

-- insert data into Interface tables
,req_number_segment1 *** see the note
,header_attribute13 ---xtra infomation 
,line_attribute15 ---xtra infomation 
,l_authorization_status --------'INCOMPLETE' or 'APPROVED'
,'ZZ' ---xtra infomation 
,rec_get_lines_info.ship_to_org_id ---xtra infomation 
,get_requestor (fnd_global.user_id) --rec_get_lines_info.requestor
, rec_get_lines_info.vendor_id 
, rec_get_lines_info.vendor_site_id 


Standard grouping rules provided by Oracle are by
Vendor or 
ALL , these grouping rules can be over written by populating "req_number_segment1" .
When we use req_number_segment1 with ALL grouping option, requisiton will be grouped by req_number_segment1

Concurrent Program: 

apps.fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PO' --Application, 
program => 'REQIMPORT' --Program, 
argument1 => 'INV' --Interface Source code, 
argument2 => '' --Batch ID, 
argument3 => 'ALL'--Group By, 
argument4 => ''--Last Req Number, 
argument5 => ''--Multi Distributions, 
argument6 => 'N' --Initiate Approval after ReqImport 

Purchase Order Interface

Purchase Order Interface -- PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE 
Interface Tables Used


INSERT INTO po_headers_interface
,attribute9 --xtra information 
VALUES (po_headers_interface_s.NEXTVAL
,fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID')
,fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID')
,'DS Fields'
,rec_get_header_info.attribute9 --xtra information 

INSERT INTO po_lines_interface
VALUES (po.po_headers_interface_s.CURRVAL
, po_line_locations_s.NEXTVAL
,TO_DATE (rec_get_line_info.need_by_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR')
,fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID')
,fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID')

INSERT INTO po.po_distributions_interface
, deliver_to_location_id
VALUES (po.po_headers_interface_s.CURRVAL
, rec_get_line_info.deliver_to_location_id
,fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID')
,fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID')

Concurrent Program: 
apps.fnd_request.submit_request (application => 'PO' --Application, 
program => 'POXPOPDOI'--Program, 
argument1 => ''--Buyer ID, 
argument2 => 'STANDARD'--Document Type, 
argument3 => ''--Document Subtype, 
argument4 => 'N'--Process Items Flag, 
argument5 => 'N'--Create Sourcing rule, 
argument6 => ''--Approval Status, 
argument7 => ''--Release Generation Method, 
argument8 => ''--NULL, 
argument9 => g_org_id--Operating Unit ID, 
argument10 => ''--Global Agreement

Calling PO Approval workflow to approve POs

SELECT TO_CHAR (po_wf_itemkey_s.NEXTVAL)
INTO v_wf_seq

v_itemkey := TO_CHAR (l_header.po_header_id)
|| '-'
|| v_wf_seq;
po_reqapproval_init1.start_wf_process (itemtype => 'POAPPRV'
,itemkey => v_itemkey
,workflowprocess => 'POAPPRV_TOP'
,actionoriginatedfrom => 'PO_FORM'
,documentid => l_header.po_header_id
,documentnumber => l_header.segment1
,preparerid => l_header.agent_id
,documenttypecode => 'PO'
,documentsubtype => 'STANDARD'
,submitteraction => 'APPROVE'
,forwardtoid => NULL
,forwardfromid => l_header.agent_id
,defaultapprovalpathid => 10
,note => NULL
,printflag => 'N'
,faxflag => NULL
,faxnumber => NULL

setting the Password for PDF File sent through XML Publisher

setting the Password for PDF File sent through XML Publisher

Open the rtf for which you want to set password and do the following things

1) Open the .rtf
2) Go to File - > Properties 
Create a new custom property 
a) Name : xdo-pdf-open-password
Type : text 
Value : Either Hard Code the value / or get the value for xml data 
b) Name : xdo-pdf-security
Type : text
Value : true

Note : property name should always start with xdo- .

What Is Dynamic SQL?

What Is Dynamic SQL?
Some programs must build and process SQL statements where some information is not known in advance. A reporting application might build different SELECT statements for the various reports it generates, substituting new table and column names and ordering or grouping by different columns. Database management applications might issue statements such as CREATE, DROP, and GRANT that cannot be coded directly in a PL/SQL program. These statements are called dynamic SQL statements.

Dynamic SQL statements built as character strings built at run time. The strings contain the text of a SQL statement or PL/SQL block. They can also contain placeholders for bind arguments. Placeholder names are prefixed by a colon, and the names themselves do not matter. For example, PL/SQL makes no distinction between the following strings:

'DELETE FROM emp WHERE sal > :my_sal AND comm < :my_comm'
'DELETE FROM emp WHERE sal > :s AND comm < :c'
To process most dynamic SQL statements, you use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. To process a multi-row query (SELECT statement), you use the OPEN-FOR, FETCH, and CLOSE statements.

In R12 what is MO_GLOBAL.INIT

Purpose of mo_global.init :-

It will check if new Multi Org Security Profile is set, to decide if new Security Profile method will be used.
If the new MO security profile is set, then mo_global.init inserts one record, for each Organization in Org Hierarchy, in table mo_glob_org_access_tmp 

When & from where is mo_global.init called ?

This package procedure will be called as soon as you login or as soon as you switch responsibility. Just like
FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE is called. It is safe to assume that Oracle will invoke MO_GLOBAL.INIT after FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE

From SQL*Plus, you can simulate login to a specific responsibility by calling
This will set your responsibility id, user_id etc

This will read the MO profile option values for your responsibility/user, and will initialize the Multi Org Access.

Best Practices in Report Development

The Information drawn from some of standard documents and Development Experience.
These Tips are helpful to the Developers to maintain standards during OracleApplication Reports Development. 

Before Starting Report:
The following points to be considered before starting report development:
Mode: Report Development can be done by two modes
i. Character Mode
ii. Bit Mapped.

To Set the Character Mode: Yes in Reports Property
If it is Bitmapped report then the above should be NO.
In System Parameter the Mode Parameter, initial value should be made as character orBitmapped.

Report Style
Portrait: if it is Portrait then the size would be like (80 * 66)
Landscape: 132 * 66
Land wide: 180 * 66.

The initial value should be set at system parameters ‘Orientation’.

Using Triggers in Reports:
There are 5 main triggers in Report and they can be used for different purposesas per the sequence of fire we have to write logic on that :

Before Report Trigger
For initializing environment or using User Exits we can use this trigger
It will set the profile option values.It can also be used to select the organization automatically.

After Report Trigger
This will ensure that memory allocated for AOL user exit is freed up now.

Naming Conventions
Query and Group Names
The query and group name should be meaningful as :Q_Headers ,Q_Lines, G_Headers etc.
This practice will help us to recognizeThe contents or purpose of the query.

Fields, Repeating frames, Boiler Texts
In the layout fields name should be similar to database column names.And repeating frames must reflect the relevant groups. This is useful torecognize the field or boiler palette or tracking the error of layout.

Bind Parameters Bind parameters should start by ‘P’
Lexical Parameters should start by ‘LP’.

Exception Handling
In Programming units and formula columns we should handle possible
Exceptions as ‘NO DATA FOUND’ (one of them).
In Numeric formula Columns always handle Zero Divide error and use NVL
Valmont := (:quantity * :rate) / :xyz
Here if :xyz is Zero then we will get Zero Divide Error.
We should implement above logic as :
-----> V_Amount := (NVL(:qty,0) * NVL(:rate,0) / NVL(:xyz,1);

Using %type
While defining the data types in program units using %type is better practice,
function F_E MPFormula return Number is
Instead of :-
function F_E MPFormula return Number is
V_EMPNO number (10); 

Debugging Reports
We can use srw.message to debug the report.
The output of it we can see at log file of that report.

No Data Found
For displaying NO DATA FOUND in the Report if the query is not returns anyrows. Make a text field “NO DATA FOUND” in the layout of the Report, Make asummary column that will give count of any not null field in the report , and in theformat trigger the logic should bre like if count >0 thenreturm true else return false .

To display END OF REPORT at the last line of the report just place an Text “END OFREPORT”, aligned center in the layout of the report.

How to set Org_id at back-end

How to set Org_id at back-end 
We have a API to set the org_id from the backend. 


Note:- Org_id indicates the "Operating Unit" in the Business Structure. 
How to I know what Org_id is set at back-end 
We can use userenv function to know the Org_id set at backend. 
select userenv('CLIENT_INFO') from dual; 

Why we need to set org_id at back-end 
We usually, set org_id at back-end. So that we can get the org_id records from the Multi Organization views. 

Above is applicable only till 11i version. It is different in Release 12.