Friday, April 29, 2016

In R12 what is MO_GLOBAL.INIT

Purpose of mo_global.init :-

It will check if new Multi Org Security Profile is set, to decide if new Security Profile method will be used.
If the new MO security profile is set, then mo_global.init inserts one record, for each Organization in Org Hierarchy, in table mo_glob_org_access_tmp 

When & from where is mo_global.init called ?

This package procedure will be called as soon as you login or as soon as you switch responsibility. Just like
FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE is called. It is safe to assume that Oracle will invoke MO_GLOBAL.INIT after FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE

From SQL*Plus, you can simulate login to a specific responsibility by calling
This will set your responsibility id, user_id etc

This will read the MO profile option values for your responsibility/user, and will initialize the Multi Org Access.

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