Friday, April 29, 2016

Query to get Business Group, Legal Entity Name, Operating Unit Details

SELECT distinct, hroutl_bg.NAME bg, hroutl_bg.organization_id,
       lep.legal_entity_id, lep.NAME legal_entity,
       hroutl_ou.NAME ou_name, hroutl_ou.organization_id org_id,
  FROM xle_entity_profiles lep,
       xle_registrations reg,
       hr_locations_all hrl,
       hz_parties hzp,
       fnd_territories_vl ter,
       hr_operating_units hro,
       hr_all_organization_units_tl hroutl_bg,
       hr_all_organization_units_tl hroutl_ou,
       hr_organization_units gloperatingunitseo,
       gl_legal_entities_bsvs glev
 WHERE lep.transacting_entity_flag = 'Y'
   AND lep.party_id = hzp.party_id
   AND lep.legal_entity_id = reg.source_id
   AND reg.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
   AND hrl.location_id = reg.location_id
   AND reg.identifying_flag = 'Y'
   AND ter.territory_code =
   AND lep.legal_entity_id = hro.default_legal_context_id
   AND gloperatingunitseo.organization_id = hro.organization_id
   AND hroutl_bg.organization_id = hro.business_group_id
   AND hroutl_ou.organization_id = hro.organization_id
   AND glev.legal_entity_id = lep.legal_entity_id

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