Friday, April 29, 2016

Items getting created with same inventory item id for different items

1) query the Item in Master Org. See the Item name 

2) Then scroll to the different Org ( Organization item) and open organization item to see the different item name coming there 

3) Now to fix it first change the value of Profile option "INV: Updateable item name" to YES at user level. this ideally should be done by support team only and NOT business users 

4) Then again Reopen the Master Item form so that the changes of the profile option take effect. 

5) Query the item again in the Master Org. This time you will see the Name field as editable Field 

6) Add any character or Dash (-) in front of the Item Name. and Save it. 

7) Re query the item again with the new name ( with extra character / Dash) in Master Org , then go to the same problematic Org and see the item name. The New Item name with Dash will be coming in that org also. 

8) then Go back to Master Org, Remove the Dash from the Name ( to bring back the original item name) and again Save it. 

9) Re query it again in Master Org with this new name (which now will be the original item name) and then go to problematic org again.. See the Item name there, it will be fixed. 

10) Change the Value of Profile option Back to NO.

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